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Which is better Profhilo or Filler?

Which is better Profhilo or Filler?

Profhilo and fillers are very popular in today’s cosmetic industry and they show no signs of slowing down. Although both serve different purposes, we often get asked at Dr Andrew Kane’s Newcastle Cosmetic clinic which option is ‘better’.

What are dermal fillers good for?

‘Dermal fillers’ are a clear gel like substance made up of hyaluronic acid (which is found naturally within the body). The aim of these fillers is to revolumise areas of the face which has suffered volume loss through the ageing process. Everyone ages uniquely and that’s why it important that your face is fully assessed first to see which options and fillers would work for you.

Filler can be placed strategically in these areas of lost volume and revolumise these areas. Revolumising these areas of the face can lead to an improvement in lines and wrinkles and also a general lift which can indirectly help with features such as nose to mouth lines and jowls. Common areas that we may fill include temple filler, cheek filler and under eye filler, the nose to mouth line filler, marionette filler, lip filler and china and jawline filler.

Addressing these areas of volume loss can give a big improvement to the overall appearance of the face and is the principle behind a non-surgical facelift. The results of fillers used in our Newcastle cosmetic clinic tends to last around 12 months.

profhilo Newcastle

What is profhilo good for?

Profhilo, again made up of hyaluronic acid, targets a different layer. Whereas fillers as described are mostly used to address volume loss in the face. Profhilo on the other hand acts upon mainly the skin alone. This means that Profhilo can give the skin a radiant glow however will not address the volume loss underneath.

Profhilo is also carried out in two treatments – four weeks apart. This involves 5 small injections either side of the face (or neck if treating there). The downtime is very minimal and patinets see a nice improvement to their skin a few weeks after their second treatment. Profhilo can also be used on the hands and neck to again improve the texture and quality of skin.

Profhilo actually works very well as a compliment to dermal fillers with the dermal fillers addressing the volume loss deep below and the profhilo addressing the skin layer. This gets very good result for patients who want the most overall improvement.

So, should I get profhilo or filler?

If I had to pick one which should I choose? There are several factors here which influence the answer and ultimately you won’t know without a detailed consultation with Dr Kane. Generally, for people with marked volume loss or concerned about specific areas or lines on the face then filler is likely to be the better option.

For patients who don’t really have much volume loss and want a general improvement to their skin quality but don’t have specific areas of concerns then profhilo is likely to be the better option. Profhilo is often the preferred treatment method for different areas other than the face such as neck, décolleté hands and arms which can offer an improvement to the skins texture and quality in these areas

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